Read the latest version of our access statement.
Check out the 3D tour of our space.
UPDATE: Mar 2024
Phase One: coming up with a plan
Since we opened we've always been conscious of our lack of step-free access, and since 2020 we've been actively working to add an external lift to resolve this.
The first stage was to work with the other stakeholders to agree a workable plan. This was completed in October 2023.
Phase Two: getting planning permission
We submitted planning permission in December 2023.
In March 2024 Hackney Council planning department turned down our application.
This means we need to undertake an appeal, and we'd love your help:
Do you know anyone who can support us with our appeal?
Maybe you’re a local with expertise in this kind of planning permission?
Maybe you know someone at a disability advocacy charity who can support us?
Or maybe you know something or someone else that can help us express the importance of this lift.
We've put a huge amount of energy into this, and we’re a small team with limited resources, so we'd be really grateful to anyone who can help move this forward productively...
Drop us an email to access@thecastlecinema.com.
At the Castle Cinema, we welcome all film lovers and want our venue to be accessible to as many people as possible. Feel free to read the latest version of our Access Statement. And have a look at our Photo Social Story as well as a 3D tour of the cinema ahead of your visit.
Audio Described screenings
Wherever possible we play films with the audio description soundtrack. These films can be recognised by the [AD] image beside the film title.
A film with an audio description soundtrack means that we can supply you with headphones for the duration of the film which will relay a special soundtrack with a full description of events happening on screen.
This means that anyone with visual impairment or other needs can fully enjoy the film.
An audio description soundtrack has no effect whatsoever on anyone without the headphones; it's just like a regular film.
Amplified Audio screenings
Wherever possible, we play films with the Amplified Audio soundtrack. These films are listed below and can be recognised by the [AA] image beside the film title.
A film with an amplified audio soundtrack is specifically intended for people with hearing impairment. It means that we can supply you with headphones for the duration of the film, and you can turn up the volume as much as you need.
An amplified audio soundtrack has no effect whatsoever on anyone without the headphones.
Relaxed screenings
These offer a chance to see films in a relaxed environment and are open to everyone to attend, but are especially tailored for those with autism or others with sensory needs, as well as their friends, family and carers.
Relaxed screenings are scheduled every second Sunday of the month.
What’s different about these screenings?
The sound is lower than usual (we also have ear defenders available), and the lights are kept on low. It’s ok to move around or walk out of the screen if you need a break, and it’s ok to make noise if you need.
Our staff have all received Dimensions UK training, and we’ll make sure it’s a friendly, welcoming and safe environment.
P&B screenings
A chance for parents and carers with babies under a year old to see the best new films.
The cafe is open from 10:00, and the trailers start at 11:00. The sound is turned down a little, and the lights keep up a little. We'll also help you upstairs with your buggy!
Please note that due to the need to keep our fire exits accessible, buggies are parked in the bar, where we have staff and CCTV, while the film is on.
Only adults accompanied by babies will be admitted.
HOH screenings
HOH subtitles, or ‘closed captioning’, refers to subtitles specifically intended for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing. They are a transcription rather than a translation, so as well as reproducing dialogue in films, aim to describe every additional non-dialogue sound available to a hearing audience, e.g. “(sighs)” or “(door creaks)” and song lyrics. These subtitles are hard-coded onto the screen.
All guests are welcome to purchase tickets to these screenings and in our experience, many hearing guests at these performances do not find the subtitles to be distracting.