Welcome to the brand new 'Doc Night at the Castle', co-hosted by Effra Films and filmmaker Rachel Ramsay.
Each month we will be screening a cinematic documentary we think our audience will love but may not have seen... along with an in-person Q&A with the filmmaker(s) and space to hang out with fellow doc aficionados in our iconic Castle bar afterwards.
18:00 - Join for a drink before the screening
18:40 - Screening and Q&A
20:45 - Post Q&A mingle in the bar
We kick off the 2025 programme with Transition, an extraordinary film chronicling the experience of Australian filmmaker Jordan Bryon, embedded with the Taliban as they come to power in Afghanistan, while undergoing his gender transition.
The screening will be followed by a Q&A with multi BAFTA and Emmy-winning filmmaker Jordan Bryon - who has also won a Human Rights Press Award, been nominated for a Rory Peck award, and been deported from (at least) 2 countries...